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21일, (재)기후변화센터는 최재철 前주프랑스대사가 제6대 이사장으로 취임했다고 발표했다. 날 취임식에서는 유영숙 5대 이사장(前환경부장관)의 이임식과 최재철 6대 이사장의 취임식이 동시에 진행됐다.
Seoul, January 21, 2025 — The Climate Change Center today announced the nomination of CHOI, Jai-chul, former Ambassador to France, as the 6th Chairman of the Board. The inauguration ceremony coincided with a farewell tribute to Dr. Yoo, Young Sook, the 5th Chairwoman and former Minister of Environment.
최재철 이사장은 1990년대 초부터 외교부 환경외교부서에서 일본, 중국 등과의 양자 및 동북아 환경협력 업무를 담당하고, 기후변화와 생물다양성 등의 다자 환경 업무를 다루면서 한국의 기후환경 외교 토대 확립에 기여한 명실상부한 기후변화 전문가다.
Chairman CHOI is a distinguished climate change specialist with an extensive experience in the fields of multilateral diplomacy such as climate change, environment, and sustainable development. From the early 1990s, he has been engaged in environmental diplomacy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dealing with bilateral and multilateral environmental cooperation with countries such as Japan and China.
특히, 2015년 유엔기후변화협약 당사국총회(COP21)의 ‘파리협정’ 체결 당시 대한민국 대표단 수석대표로 활동하며 협정 체결과 한국의 기후 리더십 강화에 중추적인 역할을 수행한 바 있다. 또한, 파리에 본부를 둔 국제박람회기구(BIE)에서 아시아에서 최초로 BIE 집행위원장을 세 차례 연임한 후 총회의장을 지낸 특별한 경력을 지니고 있다.
On particular note, from May 2014 to November 2016, he played a pivotal role as the head of the Korean delegation and the Ambassador for Climate Change during the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, where the historic Paris Agreement was adopted. His efforts were instrumental not only in the successful conclusion of the agreement but also in bolstering South Korea's climate leadership on the global stage. Futhermore, he built up a distinguished career, serving as the Chair of the Executive Committee and President of the General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), headquartered in Paris, following three terms as the first Executive Committee Chair from Asia.
(재)기후변화센터 이사장 추천위원회는 가속화되는 기후위기를 둘러싼 대응전략 모색과 글로벌 경쟁이 치열해지고 있는 시점에서, 설립 17년차에 접어든 단체의 내실을 다지고, 폭넓은 네트워크를 토대로 확장을 이끌 최적의 전문가라는 점을 신임 이사장 추천 및 임명 사유로 설명했다. 2008년 국내 최초의 기후변화 전문 비영리 민간단체로 설립되어 국내를 대표하는 기후·환경단체로 성장해 온 기후변화센터는 최 이사장의 리더십을 통해 한층 강화된 전문성과 글로벌 영향력까지 갖춘 NGO로 도약한다는 계획이다.
The CCC Board’s recommendation committee underscored that CHOI's nomination is especially timely, given the accelerating climate crisis and the intensifying global competition for leadership in climate action. With the CCC now entering its 17th year, the center is poised to strengthen its internal foundation and expand its reach based on CHOI’s vast network and unparalleled expertise. Established in 2008 as South Korea’s first non-profit organization dedicated to climate change, the CCC has grown to become a leading climate and environmental organization. Under CHOI's stewardship, the CCC aims to enhance its expertise and expand its global influence as an international NGO.
이날 취임식에서 최재철 이사장은 “그간 축적한 외교·환경 전문성과 해외 네트워크를 바탕으로 정부유관기관, 산업계, 학계 등 이해 관계자들과 파트너십을 구축해나갈 것”임을 강조했다. 그리고 “파리협정 10주년을 맞이하여 적극적인 기후위기 대응 사업 추진과 더불어 현재 진행하고 있는 탄소 배출권 사업도 확대 발전시키고 동아시아 탄소시장의 기반을 조성해 나가겠다.”는 포부를 밝혔다. 기후변화센터 이사장 임기는 2년이며, 연임할 수 있다.
In his remarks at the inauguration, Chairman CHOI declared, “Building upon the diplomatic and environmental expertise, as well as the global networks I have cultivated, I will establish robust partnerships with stakeholders across government agencies, industries, academia, and beyond.” He also expressed his commitment to actively pursue climate crisis response on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Paris Agreement, while expanding and advancing ongoing overseas carbon credit projects and working to lay the a foundation for the East Asian carbon market. The term of office for the Chairman of the Climate Change Center is two years, with the possibility of reappointment.
※(재)기후변화센터 최재철 이사장 주요 약력
■ 서울대 불문학과 졸업 후 1981년 외교부 입부(외시 15회) 외교관 생활을 시작하여 프랑스, 케냐, 필리핀주재 대사관과 주OECD대표부에서 공관 근무, 주 모로코 대사(2009-2012), 주 오이시디 차석 대사(2012-2014), 주 덴마크 대사(2016-2019), 주 프랑스 대사(2022-2024) 역임
■ 외교부 환경과학과장, 심의관, 국제경제국장(2007-2009)을 역임하고, 기후변화 대사(2014-2016)로서 2015년 파리협정 협상수석대표 담당
■ 2019.9-2022.8월간 인하대 지속경영대학원 초빙교수, 서울대 환경대학원 및 숙명여대 대학원 강사, 국립외교원 명예교수 등 역임
■ 국제박람회기구(BIE)의 총회의장(2020-2023, 재선), 집행위원장(2014-2019, 3선) 역임한 후 현재 BIE 명예 의장으로 추대(2023.11)
■ 2020.1월-2024.12 (재단법인) 기후변화센터 공동대표 역임
■ 2021.1월-2022.7 (사단법인) 한국외교협회 이사 역임
■ 2020.5.25 외교부 기후변화대사 재직시 파리기후협정 협상 경험을 담은 비망록 형식의 “환경외교의 길을 걸었던 외교관의 기후협상 일지”(박영사)를 출간, 파리기후협정 및 환경외교에 관한 다수의 기고문 게재
※Biography of Chairman CHOI, Jai-chul, Climate Change Center
■ Graduated from Seoul National University with a degree in French Language and Literature, and began diplomatic career in 1981 (15th Foreign Service Examination).
■ Served at South Korean embassies in France, Kenya, and the Philippines, as well as at the South Korean Mission to the OECD.
■ Held key ambassadorial positions:
- - Ambassador to Morocco (2009–2012)
- Ambassador & Deputy Representative to the OECD (2012–2014)
- Ambassador to Denmark (2016–2019)
- Ambassador to France (2022–2024)
■ Held leadership roles at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007–2009):
- Deputy Director General for Science and Environment
- Deputy Director General
- Director-General of the International Economic Affairs Bureau
■ Served as Ambassador for Climate Change (2014–2016), acting as South Korea’s Chief Negotiator for the 2015 Paris Agreement.
- Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Sustainability Management, Inha University (Sept. 2019–Aug. 2022).
- Lecturer at the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, and the Graduate School of Sookmyung Women’s University.
■ Honorary Professor at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy.
■ President of the General Assembly, Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) (2020–2023).
■ Chair of the Executive Committee, BIE (2014–2019, three consecutive terms).
■ Appointed Honorary President of the BIE (November 2023).
■ Co-President of the Climate Change Center (CCC), South Korea (Jan. 2020–Dec. 2024).
■ Board Member of the Korea Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR) (Jan. 2021–July 2022).
■ Published a memoir, “Climate Negotiation Journal of a Diplomat Specialized in Environmental Diplomacy” (May 2020, PARKYOUNGSA), based on his experiences as the lead negotiator during the Paris Agreement negotiations while serving as the Ambassador for Climate Change.
■ Contributed numerous articles on the Paris Agreement and environmental diplomacy.
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